© 2016-2025 NeoVitalitas

Contact forms

We are currently offering nutritional support for the application of ketogenic (very-low carbohydrate) diets and metabolic interventions for various metabolic diseases in the English language. NeoVitalitas is an association of medical doctors and psychologists based in Madrid, Spain, specialized in personalized nutritional, metabolic and emotional support for patients all around the world, originally founded by Tomás Duraj, Medical Degree (MD) by the Rey Juan Carlos University  (Madrid) and PhD by the CEU San Pablo University (Madrid). NeoVitalitas also offers psychological treatment for a more global, wide- reaching and integral patient support, with the main objective of fully restoring health during and/or after a disease with a metabolic intervention (diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cancer), while, at the same time, maintaining a supervised nutritional plan, constructed on evidence- based scientific knowledge, that supports longevity and health span.  Although the services of NeoVitalitas are primarily focused on Spanish- speaking countries, due to increased interest from different areas around the world we have recently started providing support for both English and Czech speaking clients. Please feel free to contact us directly though our general email address for further information about our services worldwide, regardless of your country of origin.

NeoVitalitas - official worldwide email address


Internet-based videoconferences/Skype interviews are ideal for patients that cannot visit us directly or find accurate, personalized, nutritional support in ketogenic diets for medical conditions, weight loss, overall healthy nutrition and therapeutic fasting in their countries of origin. We thank you for your interest and invite you to write us if you have any further questions. Consult our pricing here (translation to your language of our pricing chart can be requested via email). A translation into any desired language of current pricing using Google Translate is provided here. In case you want to learn more about the application of medically supervised, well-formulated Ketogenic Diets for diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, cancer, policistic ovarian syndrome, acne and different neurological diseases, we always recommend accessing information from trustworthy scientific sources like PubMed Central, offered by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). You can access a free-full text review of the Ketogenic Diet for the management of various chronic diseases here, or you can simply search for the terms “ketogenic diet” on the PubMed Central database website and focus your search on the topic of your interest.    Tomás Duraj, MD, PhD, founder of NeoVitalitas.

Our team

Meet the professionals that will study

your case.

Transparency and trust is one of the top priorities of our team. Visit this page for further contact information of the members of the NeoVitalitas team that will attend your requests if you decide to use our services. Warning: Please note that the list of active members is subject to updates and revisions, and may change in the future. If you are a NeoVitalitas customer, never respond to any communication whose origin you cannot verify as belonging to one of the members of our team. If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you want to contact any of our members directly, please do not hesitate to write to us on our official email account.
Navegar por www.neovitalitas.com supone la aceptación expresa y activa de la Política de Privacidad y el potencial uso de cookies.
NeoVitalitas Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy
© 2016-2025 NeoVitalitas       Aviso Legal     Condiciones de Uso y  Política de Privacidad

Contact forms

We are currently offering nutritional support for the application of ketogenic (very-low carbohydrate) diets and metabolic interventions for various metabolic diseases in the English language. NeoVitalitas is an association of medical doctors and psychologists based in Madrid, Spain, specialized in personalized nutritional, metabolic and emotional support for patients all around the world, originally founded by Tomás Duraj, Medical Degree (MD) by the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid) and PhD by the CEU San Pablo University (Madrid). NeoVitalitas also offers psychological treatment for a more global, wide-reaching and integral patient support, with the main objective of fully restoring health during and/or after a disease with a metabolic intervention (diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cancer), while, at the same time, maintaining a supervised nutritional plan, constructed on evidence-based scientific knowledge, that supports longevity and health span.  Although the services of NeoVitalitas are primarily focused on Spanish-speaking countries, due to increased interest from different areas around the world we have recently started providing support for both English and Czech speaking clients. Please feel free to contact us directly though our general email address for further information about our services worldwide, regardless of your country of origin.

NeoVitalitas - official worldwide email



Internet-based videoconferences/Skype interviews are ideal for patients that cannot visit us directly or find accurate, personalized, nutritional support in ketogenic diets for medical conditions, weight loss, overall healthy nutrition and therapeutic fasting in their countries of origin. We thank you for your interest and invite you to write us if you have any further questions. Consult our pricing here (translation to your language of our pricing chart can be requested via email). A translation into any desired language of current pricing using Google Translate is provided here. In case you want to learn more about the application of medically supervised, well-formulated Ketogenic Diets for diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, obesity, cancer, policistic ovarian syndrome, acne and different neurological diseases, we always recommend accessing information from trustworthy scientific sources like PubMed Central,  offered by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). You can access a free-full text review of the Ketogenic Diet for the management of various chronic diseases here, or you can simply search for the terms “ketogenic diet” on the PubMed Central database website and focus your search on the topic of your interest.    Tomás Duraj, MD, PhD, founder of NeoVitalitas.

Our team

Meet the professionals that will study your


Transparency and trust is one of the top priorities of our team. Visit this page for further contact information of the members of the NeoVitalitas team that will attend your requests if you decide to use our services. Warning: Please note that the list of active members is subject to updates and revisions, and may change in the future. If you are a NeoVitalitas customer, never respond to any communication whose origin you cannot verify as belonging to one of the members of our team. If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you want to contact any of our members directly, please do not hesitate to write to us on our official email account.
Navegar por www.neovitalitas.com supone la aceptación expresa y activa de la Política de Privacidad y el potencial uso de cookies.